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Welcome to the Admiral's Almanac and the wit and wisdom of retired Rear Admiral Garry Hall. He shares with you the leadership lessons he has learned in a life at sea, in the air, industry, and politics. Leaders are made and not born. Learn from the admiral and improve your personal and professional life.

It's never too late to improve your life.

Welcome Aboard!

Oct 3, 2022

Military Veteran Benefits Explained. I had the good fortune of sitting down with Retired Sergeant First Class Jane Babcock. Jane is also a retired County Veteran Service Officer advising veterans from all walks. of life on their earned benefits. She continues to volunteer her time to educate veterans and their families...

Aug 24, 2022

Mary, Prayer, Catholic Rosary: Fact from Fiction. Recently The Atlantic published an article comparing the Rosary to an AR 15, and painting Catholics with a broad brush accusation of Catholics inciting violence through prayer. This is my response with the help of Father James Kelleher, The Rosary Priest.

Jul 22, 2022

9/11 Pentagon Hero Admiral Masso Citizen Sailor, Leader. In this episode I sit down with the amazing Admiral Sonny Masso. Natural leader and storyteller. We navigate leadership from High School to the Navy, to Industry, to Admiral and finally to Naval Historian.  Sonny actions on 9/11 in the Pentagon make him a hero in...

Jun 20, 2022

Tone Teamwork Tenacity  Leadership with Admiral Paul Becker. Admiral Becker has served our nation at sea, ashore, during peace and during war. He provided intelligence and information for leaders to make clear decisions in the fog of war. Along the way he developed the process of Teamwork, Tone, and Tenacity....

Jun 10, 2022

Lead Survive Uncertainty with Coach Julie Riga. I was recently hosted on the podcast, "Stay on Course: Ingredients for Success", with Julie Riga, ICF Coach, Trainer, Speaker, and Author. In 20 minutes we discuss the ingredients for leading through uncertainty. Leadership pearls of wisdom for leaders at every level.