Jun 20, 2022
Tone Teamwork Tenacity Leadership with Admiral Paul Becker. Admiral Becker has served our nation at sea, ashore, during peace and during war. He provided intelligence and information for leaders to make clear decisions in the fog of war. Along the way he developed the process of Teamwork, Tone, and Tenacity....
Jun 10, 2022
Lead Survive Uncertainty with Coach Julie Riga. I was recently hosted on the podcast, "Stay on Course: Ingredients for Success", with Julie Riga, ICF Coach, Trainer, Speaker, and Author. In 20 minutes we discuss the ingredients for leading through uncertainty. Leadership pearls of wisdom for leaders at every level.
Jun 3, 2022
Strategy Vision Seamanship with Captain Frank Michael. I sit down with Captain Frank Michael, USN (ret.) Frank is a man in the Arena. He led rescue operations responding to the Tsunami in Indonesia. A year later he led helicopter operations following Hurricane Katrina. He was later on scene assisting with the rescue of...